Monday, December 20, 2010

The Pipe - Shell's Law

‘The Pipe’ is a gripping, albeit one-sided, documentary about the struggle between big business and the interests of a local community.

The story will be familiar to most. It all began around 1996, when the Corrib natural gas field was discovered. Development of the project by Shell began in 2004, with a proposal to place an offshore pipeline that would run through the community of Rossport to the refinery at Bellanaboy. This plan was delayed in 2005 by local opposition – five men were jailed by Finnegan J. for contempt of court after refusing to obey a temporary court injunction forbidding them to interfere with work being undertaken by Shell on their land (The Rossport 5).

The film begins in the aftermath of these events. It focuses on the experiences of Willie Corduff and Pat O’Donnell, but also portrays the Rossport community’s campaign for change (for the gas to be refined at sea, rather than inland, as is done with Ireland’s only other producing gas field off Cork) and how divisive this debate is. Enter Maura Harrington.

The residents’ claim that the proximity of a natural gas pipeline is a health and safety risk to local residents and livelihoods is a compelling one. However, without input from Shell or evidence from a more objective 3rd party, it is difficult to assess the legitimacy of these fears.

It’s certainly well worth watching.

Here’s the trailer:

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