Monday, November 15, 2010

Competition For Waste

Different coloured bins, each with its own special day, tells us that there must be some semi-sophisticated process for waste disposal. But beyond ensuring that our green, brown or black bin is ready for collection on the appropriate day, have you ever wondered where all your waste actually goes? Does paying for the service obviate a need to consider its consequences? Who are we entrusting the system of waste disposal to?

Well, wonder no more. The Irish Times (Friday 12th November 2010) makes clear that Bord na Móna and Oxigen are two of the big players. They have secured six-month contracts (worth about €10 million) to dispose of Dublin’s general household waste at landfill sites in Cavan and Kildare from January. Both counties are said to be delighted by the prospect of 150,000 tonnes of waste coming from Dublin - a similar pleasure may lie in store for other counties in the near future, with Limerick, Louth and Wexford all tauted as possible contenders for our waste.

Here's the full article:

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