Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Eye of the Tiger - The Cream of the Fight

Charismatic, independent and capable of arousing the interest of Leonardo di Caprio, Naomi Campbell and Vladimir Putin, the tiger is a majestic animal in serious difficulty.

While tigers once roamed in at least 25 countries at the start of the 20th century, today they are in dwindling, separated communities across just 13 nations. Their demise has been rapid – of the eight original subspecies of tigers, three have become extinct in the last 60 years. Subspecies have also collapsed one after another – the Bali tiger in the 1940s, the central Asia tiger in the 1970s, the Java tiger in the 1980s, the south China wild tiger the 1990s.

The remaining populations are as follows: India 1,200-1650; Indonesia 450-700; Bangladesh 400; Nepal 350; Russia 350; Bhutan 70-80; China 40-50; Cambodia 10-50; Laos 50; Vietnam less than 30; Burma about 100; Thailand 250-500; Malaysia 300-500.

So, what’s going on? How can we explain such an incredible decline?

Well, there are myriad reasons, most of which can be reduced to commercial interest and human exploitation.

Unlike lions, leopards and cheetahs, tigers prefer to live in densely covered land where they can hide in tall grass, camouflaged by their dark stripes, and ambush their prey. However, with population growth, agricultural/industrial expansion and human intervention generally, tigers are being pushed into smaller areas of land. This attack on their habitat makes it easier for poachers to hunt them. As usual, short-term economic gain supersedes longer term environmental concerns. Their skins and body parts are sold as ingredients for traditional Chinese medicines.

It is this backdrop which gave rise to the International Tiger Forum in St Petersburg (Nov 21st – 24th), an event which aims to secure $350m for tiger conservation. There have been some notable contributions already. India, which has the largest wild population, said it planned to establish eight new reserves, while Thailand promised to spend $98.6m over five years to strengthen conservation and tackle the illegal wildlife trade. Russia pledged to crack down on poachers and to work with China to set up a shared, cross-border protected area aimed at adding space for an extra 500 Amur tigers. Malaysia said it would increase its population, but it would need help with the expected cost of $1m per tiger.

Tigers are critically endangered and they don’t stand a chance unless we radically change our behaviour. Putin’s Tiger Forum is a step in the right direction, but it can’t end with a four day photo-op. Long term commitment with regular meetings between these 13 countries and a tightening of the standards of wildlife crime should be next on the agenda.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Competition For Waste

Different coloured bins, each with its own special day, tells us that there must be some semi-sophisticated process for waste disposal. But beyond ensuring that our green, brown or black bin is ready for collection on the appropriate day, have you ever wondered where all your waste actually goes? Does paying for the service obviate a need to consider its consequences? Who are we entrusting the system of waste disposal to?

Well, wonder no more. The Irish Times (Friday 12th November 2010) makes clear that Bord na Móna and Oxigen are two of the big players. They have secured six-month contracts (worth about €10 million) to dispose of Dublin’s general household waste at landfill sites in Cavan and Kildare from January. Both counties are said to be delighted by the prospect of 150,000 tonnes of waste coming from Dublin - a similar pleasure may lie in store for other counties in the near future, with Limerick, Louth and Wexford all tauted as possible contenders for our waste.

Here's the full article: http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/ireland/2010/1112/1224283151260.html

Gormley Beyond His Powers

The Commercial Court has ruled that Environment Minister John Gormley acted outside his powers under the Planning Acts. This occurred when he overturned Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council’s designation of the Park Village lands in Carrickmines as a “district centre”. (Thursday, 11th Nov 2010)

The basic facts are as follows: Tristor Ltd acquired the lands in 2006 and wanted to develop the Park Village as a “district centre”. Gormley opposed this and claimed that the draft development plan for the area did not comply with the Planning and Development Act 2000 because it failed to set out “an overall strategy for the proper planning and sustainable development of the area.” The Minister favoured a “neighbourhood centre” – the development of groups of small shops serving a localised catchment population, rather than a “district centre” which allows for a development with considerably more retail space.

The kernel of the case revolved around the interpretation of Section 31 PDA 2000. Clarke J. found that this provision did not entitle the Minister to issue a direction simply because he disagreed with the strategy contained in the development plan and preferred another. For this section to be effectively invoked, Gormley needed to show that the Council had breached its obligations to agree to a development plan which set out an overall strategy for the proper planning and sustainable development of the area. This had not occurred. Many strategies could be adopted which would be consistent with the requirement for an overall strategy for the proper planning and sustainable development of an area and it was for the elected representatives of the Council to decide which of the range of possible strategies was to be included in the development plan. It was not for the Minister to “second guess” the Council.

Fair procedures in planning also featured in this case. Clarke J. ruled that the Minister’s directions were invalid because he failed to give interested parties, including Tristor Ltd, which planned to develop the Carrickmines District Centre, the opportunity to be heard.

The Irish Times article on this case: http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/breaking/2010/1111/breaking55.html

Monday, November 8, 2010

Tsunamis - a brief history

Drop a stone into a small pond and it will create a series of ripples. A tsunami is just like those ripples, but rather than a stone, the disturbance which sets it in motion is often an undersea earthquake, landslide or volcanic eruption. The seafloor buckles where drifting plates collide and waves emanate, hitting the shore hard with almost all of its initial energy.

Tsu (harbour) nami (wave). The term is said to have originated with Japanese fishermen who, upon returning to port, found the area surrounding the harbour devastated. History demonstrates the Pacific Ring of Fire’s vulnerability to tsunamis, but also shows its impact elsewhere:

2004 Indian Ocean Tsunamis Affecting Southern Asia and Eastern Africa

A massive earthquake measuring over 9.0 on the Richter scale occurred under the Indian ocean floor just off the coast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra. Tsunami waves slammed into the coastline of 12 Indian Ocean countries (Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar, Bangladesh, the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, the Maldives, Seychelles, Somalia, Tanzania, and Kenya) and killed over 230,000 people. The earthquake that generated the great Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004 is estimated to have released the energy of 23,000 Hiroshima-type atomic bombs, according to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).

1998 Tsunami Affecting Papua New Guinea

On July 17th, 1998, an earthquake measuring 7.1 on the Richter scale occurred about 15 miles just off the coast of northern Papua New Guinea, an island nation located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean just south of Indonesia and north of Australia. While the magnitude of the quake was not large enough to create the tsunami directly, it is believed the earthquake generated an undersea landslide, which in turn caused the tsunami. Following the earthquake, a tsunami with waves reaching 12 meters (40 feet) hit the Papua New Guinea coast within 10 minutes, destroying the villages of Arop and Warapu. An estimated 2,200 people were killed.

1976 Tsunami Affecting the Philippines

August 1976 and an earthquake measuring approximately 7.6 on the Richter scale occurred in the Moro Gulf a few miles away from the coast of the Philippine island of Mindanao. The earthquake itself was responsible for causing widespread damage, but its effect paled in comparison to the tsunami it helped created. The massive tsunami that devastated 700 kilometers of coastline destroyed coastal towns and killed over 5,000 people.

1964 Tsunami Affecting the West Coast of North America

The Good Friday Tsunami was caused by an earthquake (9.2) off the coast of Alaska. Waves reached heights of 11.5 meters and killed 106 people.

1960 Tsunami Affecting Chile and Pacific Nations

On May 22 1960, the biggest earthquake ever recorded at the time occurred just off the coast of South central Chile, a nation of South America. The earthquake measured 9.5 on the Richter scale with swarms of aftershock earthquakes that measured as large 8.0 that followed. The earthquakes triggered the creation of tsunami, which was responsible for most of the ensuing devastation and death of 2,000 people. The waves spread outwards across the Pacific, flooding Hilo (on the island of Hawaii), causing 200 deaths in Japan and damage in the Marquesas, in Samoa, and in New Zealand.