Saturday, September 11, 2010

Dublin Convention Centre

From the Verizon Building in New York to the bulbous Bolwoningen Houses in the Netherlands and onto the Fang Yuan Building in the Liaoning Province of China, ugly buildings are common to every city. Dublin is definitely no exception, with such gems as Hawkins House, the Central Bank, any number of buildings at the top of O'Connell Street, Bus Aras, UCD in general – a Mecca for lovers of concrete and uninspiring architecture – attesting to this. A lack of imagination, taste and financial constraints probably account for most of these outcomes.

So, it is against this backdrop that the Dublin Convention Centre was unveiled last week, marking the end of a 13-year journey to its place on the North Wall.

A part from the cheap-looking granite cladding on the front, this building is a welcome addition to Dublin’s architecture scene, especially around the IFSC.

For more information about the building itself, here’s a useful Irish Times article:  

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